Unique art for unique people
Or everything just 2.0
What good is a romantic view of a paradisiacal world that no longer exists?
Is the romance still there? Or is everything just 2.0 and AI anyway?
Let’s dare to take a new look at things together. I invite you to join me on a hopeful search for new perspectives. And not in distant places of longing, but where we are walking and standing right now.
In my works you will find the most insignificant leftovers. The very last questionable crumbs are elevated to art here – the last remnants of our everyday lives, so to speak.
Take it or leave it…
…Who knows – maybe you will want to look at everything a little differently…
Have fun in the
[UN]apparent worlds of found objects and tiny remnants
Art is what we elevate to art
MagdalenaHohlweg uses finely constructed lines and a subtle selection of materials to develop a surprising harmony between the unknown and the tried and tested.
Inconspicuous plant remains, barren seed pods and small remnants of our civilization – here they can be found in wondrous order and awakened to surprising life.
An artistic value and indispensability in the overall composition is claimed for every fragment, no matter how banal.
On closer inspection, the works unfold emotional and complex stories that are elaborated with a variety of aesthetic elements.
Magdalena Hohlweg uses her specially developed collage technique for this, in which countless tiny parts interlock. The result is lively three-dimensional works of art with countless sculptural objects.
Surprising reinterpretations conjure up our imagination and reveal an impressive work that is unique in this form.
The aesthetic power and the often unbelievable details pose sensitive questions to our everyday perception.
Each of the miniature collages awakens a world of unexpected possibilities and shows us that we can still expand the boundaries of our imagination.
But isn’t this an outdated and romantic view of a paradisiacal world that no longer exists? Don’t we need new paths and perspectives?
Absolutely! Go on a hopeful search for it. And not in distant places of longing, but where you are walking and standing right now.
The [UN]apparent worlds of the most banal finds and remnants surprise with unexpected new insights.
Time for art is now!
Magdalena Hohlweg
Things are not always what they seem at first glance. Let’s look at things in a completely different way…
…because at second, third and fourth glance, completely new perspectives are possible.
That size is only relative may be an old realization.
Nevertheless, reminding ourselves of this every day quickly brings new insights.
With the willingness to be mindful and appreciative of our everyday surroundings, surprising horizons open up. Even in places where we thought we could experience absolutely nothing unique.
A small moment can sometimes make a big impression. Sometimes it is enough to simply look differently.

On Arthohlweg.de you will find my personal journal and my online gallery based in Bad Pyrmont, very close to the castle and spa gardens
“Art and nature help us to stay connected. At home and around the world – for a friendly exchange” –
Magdalena Hohlweg