Art? All banana!

What is art? Is sticking a banana on the wall still art? Or: what actually makes Salvador Dali famous? And why does everyone love Mona Lisa? I am sure of it: Do your own thing! The art market, and with it the financial success of art, is subject to a constant struggle for power and [...] read more

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Caterpillar and butterfly…

…are actually one and the same However, they undergo a metamorphosis that changes their appearance so colossally that it seems incredible to have an individual in front of you all the time. Sounds kind of human, doesn’t it? After all, from birth to old age, we also transform in a way that seems unimaginable to [...] read more

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Game with new rules -MATRIA SKAT

It began with the traditional Schwalenberg blueprint and the exhibition withBLAU – This became my card deck – MATRIA SKAT What is blueprinting? 1st development: From the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, the Lippe region was home to this fabric printing process. White patterns were created on blue-dyed [...] read more

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Great art by small artists

The Beetle Gallery Great art by small artists As an artist, I am free to choose my materials and my goals. Freedom in art is great! But it’s also a big task. First of all, there is a lot to try out. I can create my very own artistic path, but I also have to [...] read more

We simply postpone the 300th anniversary

  Corona makes it possible. The entire jubilee year of the town of Bad Pyrmont is now postponed to the 301st year. All major events planned for this summer have been canceled. It remains to be seen what else is possible in the fall. My small works from the series “300 years of Bad Pyrmont [...] read more

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Ringlein Ringlein on the hand…

Individualized jewelry with Anne Zimmer In collaboration with Anne Zimmer, I create small, fine, unique pieces of jewelry. This time it was a ring. The bird was created from a seed pod of an ornamental grass. It has a bit of a resemblance to a budgerigar, doesn’t it? When I processed the pod, the seeds [...] read more

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Pyrmont Castle Museum

Bad Pyrmont Castle Museum – Definitely the right setting Next year, the town of Bad Pyrmont will be celebrating its 300th anniversary. I am delighted at how committed the town’s residents are to planning a wide range of activities with a great deal of personal involvement. I am delighted to be involved in the preparations [...] read more

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Lullaby for dolls

The metamorphosis… is a great transformation and an impressive miracle On the way… …incredible changes take place from the egg to the adult insect. Several weeks pass before the mealworm turns into a nymph or pupa, from which the mealworm then hatches. The last major changes take place inside the almost immobile nymph or pupa. [...] read more

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Letting go is a word

Letting go Letting go without expectations and without any bitterness. This is not always easy. Letting go is a meaningful word. It should be used with caution and respect. With best wishes Magdalena […] read more

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